What does ecstasy mean?
According to Oxford Dictionary, elatedness is “ an inviting feeling of great happiness or joyous excitement”. It’s considered as a feeling. “ In classical Greek literature, it refers to junking of the mind or body from its normal place of function ’” (The Oxford Classical Dictionary; Third, revised ed).
Elatedness is an altered state of mind. It’s an experience in which one feels out of the body experience and loss his senses nearly.

Ecstasy is a medicine?
A medicine named ECSTASY was first produced synthetically by “ Merck Pharmaceutical Company” in 1912. It was called MDMA. It was used by the the U.S Army in 1953 but latterly it came as a party medicine. Moment, it’s a common club medicine in U.S. It isn’t available openly in medicine stores but only available with medicine dealers, club party persons.
Elatedness is an illegal, lawless, psychoactive medicine. It disturbs the brain chemistry to such an extent that the stoner can die. It’s also known as “ Molly”. It’s available in the form of capsules and grease paint. Occasionally it’s available in liquid form too. It works as a goad, hallucinogen, and/ or a depressant because it’s a developer medicine and contains different other murderous medicines as well.
Elatedness has implicit for abuse and is addicting. Medicine dependence and medicine abuse is the common problem overworld at Healing door we treat people with dependence and spread mindfulness to family and the general population regarding medicine abuse.
The largely trained staff of Healing Door treat guests with medical problems and attendants them to a healthy medicine-free life.
What are the Street names of Ecstasy medicine?
In different regions of the world Party, people call elatedness with different names
• Love lozenge
• 007
• Delicacy
• Happy lozenge
• Clinch medicine
• Scooby Snacks
• Substance
Why do people use/ abuse Ecstasy?
Every medicine affects the brain and body in numerous ways. Ecstasy also has numerous goods on the stoner depending upon the cure he/ she takes. There’s no safe cure for elatedness. Indeed little quantum can beget serious problems.
Occasionally people use it as recreational medicines, but it’s a probability that people don’t indeed know what they’re taking. It’s a possibility that people use it to intoxicate other people for some particular earnings. Youthful girls frequently get ravished after consuming a drink containing elatedness and they don’t indeed know what they’ve consumed.
People use to get high ( come numb to their problems/ get happy/ forget everything) a kind of Escape medium, to feel joyous, to dance, or to be energetic and more active.
The effect of elatedness starts between 30 twinkles to 1 hour and lasts for about 6 hours.
Elatedness boosts energy position, disturbs sleep, feelings, and moods of the stoner.
The Goods of Ecstasy on druggies/ Abusers
Elatedness has long-term as well as short goods.
The Short term goods of Ecstacy
• Nausea
• Confusion
• Pining for medicines
• Blurred vision
• Muscle pressure
• Disabled judgments
• Overconfidence and further energy
• Increased well-being feeling
• Increase empathy
• Loss of appetite
• Over Sweating
• Dilates pupil
• Clenching of the Jaws and Teeth
• Body temperature increase
• Rapid twinkle and increase in the blood pressure
• Visions
• Fits
• Affection increase (false sense of affection)
• Paranoias
• Sexual thrill
The Long term goods of Ecstacy
• Psychosis
• Death
• Order failure
• Memory loss of memory
• Dehumidification
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Heart damage
• Liver problem
• Brain damage
• Weak vulnerable system
• Thinking/ judgement/ literacy impairment
• Ataxia (the loss of control of body movements)
• Languor and fatigue
• Agonies and sleep disturbances
• Hemorrhaging
Hence no doubt elatedness is a dangerous murderous medicine. The Abuse/ abuse of all medicines has negative consequences. However, you can relate them to HDRC_Healing Door Rehab center Islamabad, If you know anyone with medicine abuse problems. For further information, call 03149922547.