Prehab is basically a headstart. One of the saddest truths is an addict / alcoholic can be tied up, starved, beaten, locked up, prayed over, but he WHO DOES NOT WANT TO QUIT WILL NOT QUIT.

Healing Door Rehab the best Prehab Services provider in Islamabad

Prehab Services

We believe that we are the best treatment center for people that do want to create positive change in their lives. This is delivered via one or few visits by our finest counsellors. Exposure to group therapy and sharing. And constant health monitoring both for physical and emotional health.

Clients can also visit the facility with prior appointments and get one-to-one counselling right here. This familiarises the client to the ambience and staff at our facility. In short, we first work on the ‘denial’ quotient of an addict. Get through to him and connect with him. Once the client feels positive and eager to change. Then other steps follow.